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16 Ergebnisse.

Wisdom Is Supreme

De Ruiter, Bert
Wisdom Is Supreme
This book encourages the reader to make a quest for wisdom his or her highest priority. Using the biblical book of Proverbs as its inspiration, the author sheds light on what is the essential foundation of wisdom. The book also seeks to answer the question how to become wise and whether we become wiser when we get older and whether one can learn wisdom in a school. The reader learns about some key characteristics of a wise person. Several ch...

CHF 20.90

Christ, the Culmination of the Law

De Ruiter, Bert
Christ, the Culmination of the Law
One the main groups of religious people that Jesus had to deal with were the Pharisees. Jesus had several encounters with them, and He frequently socialised with them. In fact, He and the Pharisees had a number of religious convictions in common. Nevertheless, at times, He was also very confrontational in his approach to them. Particularly their interpretation of the religious law brought them into conflict with Jesus. But in His love for them...

CHF 20.50

A Single Hand Cannot Applaud

De Ruiter, Bert
A Single Hand Cannot Applaud
Christians who want to share the truth about God with their Muslim friends understandably try to encourage them to read the Bible. Unfortunately, many Muslims believe that Jews and Christians have corrupted the books that God has given them. As a consequence, Muslims are hesitant about reading the Bible. Given this antagonism among a large percentage of Muslims towards Christianity in general and the Bible in particular, there is a need to pre...

CHF 21.90

Engaging with Muslims in Europe

De Ruiter, Bert
Engaging with Muslims in Europe
In Europe one finds Christian communities and Muslim communities living in close proximity to each other. Muslims and Christians pass each other in the streets, stand next to each other waiting for the bus or metro, live next to one another in streets, share apartment buildings with each other, study in the same universities, have their lunches in the same business canteens, shop in the same shopping centres. Nevertheless, they are essentially...

CHF 20.50

Compartilhando Vidas

de Ruiter, Bert
Compartilhando Vidas
Por toda a Europa, cristãos e muçulmanos vivem próximos uns aos outros. Infelizmente, são estranhos uns aos outros. O que impede os cristãos de compartilharem suas vidas comos muçulmanos? O curso Compartilhando Vidas foi desenvolvido para ajudar os cristãos, na Europa, a superar o medo, o preconceito e a desconfiança do Islamismo e dos muçulmanos. Este curso tem o objetivo de auxiliar os cristãos a aprenderem a responder com bondade para q...

CHF 13.50

Vie¿i împ¿rt¿¿ite

de Ruiter, Bert
Vie¿i împ¿rt¿¿ite
În întreaga Europa, comunitaile cre¿ne ¿i cele musulmane traiesc unele în vecinatatea celorlalte, dar, în esena, sunt straini unii faa de alii. Ce anume îi împiedica pe cre¿ni sa îi primeasca pe musulmani în viata lor? Cursul este Vieti împartasite conceput pentru a-i ajuta pe cre¿nii din Europa sa-¿i învinga atudinea negava de frica, prejudecati ¿i suspiciune pe care o au faa de Islam ¿i faa de musulmani ¿i sa învee sa raspunda cu har ¿i ...

CHF 13.50

Sharing Lives

de Ruiter, Bert
Sharing Lives
UK Pound: 13.95 US Dollar: 22.95 CA Dollar: 23.95 AU Dollar: 24.95 This book argues that the single greatest hindrance to Christian witness amongst Muslims in Europe is fear. Many European Christians fear that Europe will gradually turn into Eurabia, or Islamic domination of Europe, and they ignore the efforts of Muslims to adapt to the European context, a situation pointing to a future scenario of Euro-Islam, or Islam being Europeanized. Th...

CHF 34.90

Leven met moslims

de Ruiter, Bert
Leven met moslims
In heel Europa wonen christenen en moslims in elkaars nabijheid. Desondanks zijn ze vreemden voor elkaar. Wat belemmert christenen om hun leven met moslims te delen? De cursus Levenmet Moslims is ontwikkeld om christenen in Europa te helpen hun negatieve houding van angst, vooroordelen en achterdocht voor de islam en de moslims te overwinnen en te leren reageren met genade en hun leven te delenmet moslims.

CHF 13.50

Sharing lives

de Ruiter, Bert
Sharing lives
Throughout Europe Christians and Muslims live in close proximity to each other. Unfortunately, they are essentially strangers to each other. What is it that hinders Christians fromsharing their lives with Muslims? The course Sharing Lives has been developed to help Christians in Europe overcome their negative attitudes: fear of Islam and Muslims, as well as their prejudice and suspicion regarding Islam and Muslims. This course is intended t...

CHF 13.50

Leben teilen

de Ruiter, Bert
Leben teilen
In ganz Europa leben heute christliche und muslimische Familien nah beieinander und bleiben sich im Grunde fremd.Was hindert Christen daran, ihr Leben mit Muslimen zu teilen? Der Kurs "Sharing Lives" soll helfen, Berührungsängste und Vorurteile gegenüber dem Islam und Muslimen abzubauen. Teilnehmer sollen ermutigt werden Beziehungen mit Muslimen in ihrer Nachbarschaft aufzubauen, ihr Leben mit ihnen zu teilen und ihnen die Gute Nachricht von...

CHF 13.50

Condividere le nostre vite

de Ruiter, Bert
Condividere le nostre vite
In tutta Europa, Cristiani e Musulmani vivono fianco a fianco. Purtroppo si ritrovano ad essere degli sconosciuti. Che cosa è che impedisce ai figli di Dio di condividere le loro vite con i musulmani? Il corso Condividere le nostre vite è stati sviluppato per aiutare i Cristiani in Europa a superare i loro atteggiamenti negativi, le loro paure dell'Islam e dei Musulmani e il loro pregiudizio e sospetto nei confronti dell'Islam e dei Musulman...

CHF 13.50

Compartiendo vidas

de Ruiter, Bert
Compartiendo vidas
En toda Europa los cristianos y musulmanes viven en estrecha proximidad entre sí. Desafortunadamente, en esencia no se conocen entre ellos. ¿Qué es lo que impide que los cristianos compartan sus vidas con los musulmanes? El curso Compartiendo Vidas ha sido desarrollado para ayudar a los cristianos en Europa a vencer sus actitudes negativas: tanto el temor al Islam y a los musul-manes como los prejuicios y las sospechas hacia el Islam y los m...

CHF 13.50

Lewe met Moslems

de Ruiter, Bert
Lewe met Moslems
Oral in Europa (en ook hier in Suid-Afrika) lewe Christen- en Moslemgemeenskappe langs mekaar, maar in wese is hulle vreemdelinge vir mekaar. Wat verhinder Christene om hul lewens met Moslems te deel? Die kursus, Sharing Lives, is ontwikkel om Christene in Europa (en ook hier in Suid-Afrika) te help om hulle negatiewe houding van angs, vooroordeel en agterdog ten opsigte van Islam en Moslems te oorbrug en Christene aan te moedig om met 'n ho...

CHF 13.50

Oman elämän jakaminen

de Ruiter, Bert
Oman elämän jakaminen
Lähes kaikkialla Euroopassa krisyjen ja muslimien yhteisöt asuvat lähellä toisiaan, ovat pohjimmiltaan kuitenkin vieraita toisilleen. Mikä oikein estää krisyjä jakamasta elämäänsä muslimien kanssa? Tämä kurssi Oman elämän jakaminen on valmisteu auamaan Euroopan krisyjä voiamaan negaiviset pelkoasenteet, ennakkoluulot ja epäluulot islamia ja muslimeita kohtaan. Se myös opeaa vastaamaan armollisesja jakamaanelämäänsä muslimien kanssa.

CHF 13.50

Partager sa vie

de Ruiter, Bert
Partager sa vie
A travers l'Europe, chréens et musulmans se côtoient au quodien, mais demeurent malheureusement des étrangers les uns aux autres. Pourquoi les chréens ne vont-ils pas vers les musulmans ? Qu'est-ce qui leur en empêche ? La formaon Partager sa vie a été créée pour aider les chréens d'Europe à dépasser leurs craintes, leurs préjugés ou encore leur méfiance envers l'islam et les musulmans. La formaon vise à aider les chréens à s'adresser à ce...

CHF 13.50